Editing Resources Volume 8

Editing Resources Volume 8

Networking is one of the most difficult aspects for me as an introverted editor, but it is also one of the most rewarding. It’s important to meet people within the editing industry (and adjacent industries). When you meet a new colleague, you get to share knowledge and experience with them. Not only that, but you will need to establish a list of resources and fellow editors to refer prospective clients to.

You can’t edit everything and some projects won’t fit you and your skills. It’s important to have a few editors and industry professionals contact information for referrals for when this happens. You’ll be providing clients a solid service that could also generate future business down the road. Do you remember the editor who turned your book down? How about if they offer a resource that CAN help you? You’re more likely to remember someone who pointed you in the right direction.

You also can’t hold all the knowledge of the world in your head. Your network will help guide you to new resources and answer questions you struggle with. Questions I often ask my network when I am dealing with a difficult problem include “How would you edit this sentence?” and “What are your thoughts on this idea or information?” The conversations around these questions inform both parties and you can learn different ways of looking at problems.

The best places I have found to network are at conferences and through associations I’m a member of. Other places include online (especially if you directly message and strike up conversations with writers and editors), bookstores, libraries, festivals and writing events, school, clubs and extracurricular events, and day jobs.

Notice a theme? The best places are in-person. Online is great, but nothing is more memorable than meeting a colleague in person and finding common ground.


Recommended Reading

Taking the Work Out of Networking

The former Google executive, editorial director of Twitter and self-described introvert offers networking advice for anyone who has ever cancelled a coffee date due to social anxiety—about how to nurture a vibrant circle of reliable contacts without leaving your comfort zone.

Networking has garnered a reputation as a sort of necessary evil in the modern business world. Some do relish the opportunity to boldly work the room, introduce themselves to strangers, and find common career ground—but for many others, the experience is often awkward, or even terrifying.


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